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ॐ ऐम् ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डाय विच्चै
om aim hrīṁ klīṁ cāmuṇḍāyai viccai

Rishi: Bagambhrini, Devata: Sri Adishakti, Chhanda: Jagati (2nd), Trishtup (remaining)

ॐ अहम् रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चराम्यहमादित्यैरुत विश्वदेवैः
अहं मित्रावरुणोभा बिभर्म्र्यहमिन्द्राग्नी अहंश्विनोभा
om aham rudrebhirvasubhiścarāmyahamādityairuta viśvadevaiḥ
ahaṁ mitrāvaruṇobhā bibharmryahamindrāgnī ahaṁśvinobhā

I pervade the universe and wander through it as the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, the eight Vasus and as the Visvadevata. I hold within me both Mitra and Varuna. It is I who contain Indra and Agni and it is I who assume the form of both the Asvini Kumaras.

अहं सोममाहनसं बिभर्म्यहं त्वष्टारमुत पूषणं भगं
अहं दधामि द्रविणं हबिष्मते सुप्राब्ये यज्मानाय सुन्वत
ahaṁ somamāhanasaṁ bibharmyahaṁ tvaṣṭāramuta pūṣaṇaṁ bhagaṁ
ahaṁ dadhāmi draviṇaṁ habiṣmatei suprābyei yajmānāya sunvata

I hold within me Somadeva, (the Moon), who is the killer of enemies. I bear the God Tushta and the Sun Gods, Pusha and Bhaga. I am the fruit of the sacrifice for the priest who performs the yagna, by preparing the soma rasa (nectar) for the sacrifice, which is ever so pleasing to the Gods.

अहं राष्टी संगमनी वसूनां चिकितुषी प्रथमा यज्ञियानां
तां मा देवा व्य्दधुः पुरुत्रा भूरिस्थात्रां भूर्याशयन्तीं
ahaṁ rāṣtṭī saṁgamanī vasūnāṁ cikituṣī prathamā yajñiyānāṁ
tāṁ mā devā vydadhuḥ purutrā bhūristhātrāṁ bhūryāśayantīṁ

I am Isvari, the Goddess of the Universe; who gives and gifts wealth to her worshippers and I am the one who witnesses the Atma as inseparable from the chit or Brahman. Therefore I am the first among all who receive the sacrificial offerings in a yagna. I exist in countless, diverse  forms and I am manifest in the entire cosmos. It is that I, who is at once in all places, who is worshipped in manifold forms by the Gods and priests.

मया सो अन्नमत्ति यो विपश्यति यः प्राणिति य ईं श्रणोत्युक्तों
अमन्तबो मां त उपक्ष्यन्ति श्रुधि श्रुत श्रद्धिवं ते वदामि
mayā so annamatti yo vipaśyati yaḥ prāṇiti ya īṁ śraṇotyuktoṁ
amantabo māṁ ta upakṣyanti śrudhi śruta śraddhivaṁ te vadāmi

It is because of Me and through Me, that food is consumed, that visual objects are seen, that spoken words are heard and breath in inhaled and exhaled. Those who do not know Me or cannot perceive Me as the antaryamini or as the One who dwells within, undergo the sufferings of life and death. O listener, listen to the respect-worthy philosophy or Brahmatatva that I am imparting to you.

अहमेव स्वयमिदं वदामि जुष्टं देवेभिरुत मानुषेभिः
यं यं कामये तं तमुग्रं क्रिणोमि तं ब्रह्माणं तम्रिषिं तं सुमेधां
ahameva svayamidaṁ vadāmi juṣṭaṁ devebhiruta mānuṣeibhiḥ
yaṁ yaṁ kāmayei taṁ tamugraṁ kriṇomi taṁ brahmāṇaṁ tamriṣiṁ taṁ sumedhāṁ

I, Myself, am imparting this Brahmatatva, this philosophy, so desired by both men and the Gods. Whenever I so desire and whomsoever I desire, I make them the greatest. If I so wish, I make them like Brahma, or like the rishis (ascetics) or like scholars.

अहं रुद्राय धनुरातनोमि ब्रह्मद्विषे शरबे हन्तबा उ
अहं जनाय समदं क्रिणोम्यहं द्याबाप्रिथिवी आबिवेश
ahaṁ rudrāya dhanurātanomi brahmadviṣei śarabe hantabā u
ahaṁ janāya samadaṁ kriṇomyahaṁ dyābāprithivī ābiveśa

I became the cause of the death of the Brahmin-hating and ferocious Tripurasura, by being the string of Rudra’s bow. I battle for the well being of my devotees, and exist in the heavens and earth by shrouding it as manifested energy.

अहं सुबे पितरमस्य मूर्धन् मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे
ततो वितिष्ठे भुबनानि विश्वोतामूं द्यां वष्मर्णोपस्प्रिशामि
ahaṁ sube pitaramasya mūrdhan mama yonirapsvantaḥ samudre
tato vitiṣṭhei bhubanāni viśvotāmūṁ dyāṁ vaṣmarṇopaspriśāmi

I have given birth to the universe on the head of the Paramatma. I reside as the Brahma consciousness within the intellect, as the water resides within the ocean. Hence, it is I who is existing and manifest in this cosmos in a variety of ways. Moreover, it is I who envelope the cosmos with my touch by my created illusion or maya.

अहमेव बात इव प्रबाम्यारभमाणा भुबनानि विश्वा
परो दिबा पर एना प्रिथिव्यैतावती महिना संबभूव
ahameva bāta iva prabāmyārabhamāṇā bhubanāni viśvā
paro dibā para enā prithivyaitāvatī mahinā saṁbabhūva

Although it is I who has created these various worlds, I roam through them, in and out, as easily as a breeze. And even though I am limitless and beyond the bounds of the heavens and beyond the bounds of the earth, because of My own magnificence, I envelope and hold this great universe by assuming its form.


Devi Paksha, 2002







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